Saturday, December 5, 2009

Psalm 51

So, I realize we went over this quite some time ago, but I have a highlighted box in my notes that says something along the lines of: "Rememer to blog about 'Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God' since it is from Psalm 51." So, in light of finding this, I have remembered to blog about it. I'm sure I'll find more of the blog nuggets later, but here's the first one.

In our church, we sing this hymn every service. It's called "Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God" and is based off of Psalms 51:10-12 or around there. Here's a decent audio clip of it, although we sing it a bit differently in our church since there's no choir and few of us can actually sing.

Here's the lyrics as I remember them:

"Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a right spirit within me
Cast me not away from your presence
And take not Your Holy Spirit from me
Restore unto me the joy of your salvation
And uphold me with your free spirit

They're not quite the same as in the video, but apparently few people sing the hymn the traditional way that my church does and it's hard to find a good clip. The related videos are really interesting, and I hadn't realized just how popularized the hymn was until I looked on youtube.

This is a fairly traditional instrumental from the actual website of my hymnal. Even this one is different from the way we sing it in our church, and I once again believe it is because of the lack of a choir or singing talent that we have had to change our version to suit us.

So, there it is. Enjoy! And there will surely be more random blogs to follow once I read through the rest of my notes. Excited? You should be.

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